21 February 2014

Verbum Chapter Two: Secrets Kept

15 November 2013

Marcus checked the nine-foot circle for the seventh time. He more than doubly made sure that he got all the symbols right. One wrong stroke, one tiny mistake, could mean his demise. And he had no intentions of being the victim. That one was lying in the middle of the circle, atop a ceramic pentagram: an image of the intended target, wrapped in the Ropes of Kronos.

Expugnare eum,” he hissed through gritted teeth. The ropes slithered on their own accord and tightened around the effigy. The vision he saw a week before prompted him to do this dark ritual. He saw Jesse standing by a huge pyre, holding books in his hand. He threw these and as they were burning, he looked at the other side and saw two dark figures. He didn’t recognize any of their faces but he had a feeling they were laughing. He looked back at Jesse and saw him drop to the ground, body shaking as he sobbed hysterically. Then the vision was gone. He tried to divine what that was and was given betrayal, loss, and a huge change in mindset as answers. He’s trying to prevent that from happening.

Marcus now walked over to a brass pedestal with a large tome lying open on top of it. A dagger with a silver blade and a golden hilt embellished with a ram’s head served as a paperweight on the page. He picked this up and pointed on the empty air east of the circle he was in. He cleared his throat quietly and intoned the words written on the page in an authoritative voice.

I conjure ye to come unto me promptly and without any delay…”

There was a stir in the air. The candles flickered. Marcus felt a tingle run from the tip of the blade up to his arm and down through his spine. He shrugged it off and continued.

“Adonai, Tzabaoth, El, Elohi, Elohim, Shaddai…”

He heard a low rumbling and the pedestal clattered on the uneven floor. Orbs of light sparked on and off on the eastern arc of the circle where the Triangle of the Art was inscribed.  The tingle he felt became more like little electrical pinpricks on his skin. He grasped the hilt of the dagger even more tightly and went on with the conjuration.

Invoco nunc Persaeus!” he shouted over the building din.

In that moment, a strong gale blew around the enclosed room, completely extinguishing the candles. But there wasn’t darkness. A shaft of light shot up from the middle of the Triangle on the floor to the ceiling, illuminating the entire room. Inside the bright column a figure formed, emitting low beastly growls. Marcus steeled himself. Persaeus isn’t just about any god. It’s a Titan from the old days. Normally, summoning a god of destruction is no mean feat and required tremendous amounts of energy, but belief in this one has dwindled over millennia and their power rests on belief. He was confident that he can make it do his bidding, as blasphemous as that sounds. It’s still essentially a spirit.

With the silver dagger, he drew the Sigillum Imperium in the air. It whirled around the now-materializing god and wound around its neck, asserting his power.

“Listen to my words!

The god-spirit, fully-formed and hovering in midair, stood still and locked eyes with him. Marcus stared fiercely back. Regardless that it was a lesser god, he could still feel the power pulsing in waves from the entity. It rippled against his cheek and surrounded him. It was by sheer force of will that he managed not to vaporize right then and there.

He picked up the effigy and showed it to Persaeus. It looked at it and emitted a low vibrating growl. How has this entity been reduced to a monstrous beast, he couldn’t fathom. Days of being ‘underfed’ for a human can make one delirious. Imagine how it can be to a once-known god.

Without breaking his steely stare, Marcus focused his mind on the purpose why he performed the ritual in the first place. He also included the conditions for its release—right after the dark deed has been concluded. He coursed these thoughts through the Sigillum into the entity’s mind. The god-spirit nodded in understanding.

“Destroy him!” Marcus said hissed, feeling a fury of anger that wasn’t his own.

The entity howled and shot through the ceiling, sucking the wind and light with it as he went. The room was suddenly plunged in total darkness, but it was the least of Marcus’ worries. He was in a half-trance, controlling the being with his mind. A hush fell in the shadowy room, broken a few minutes later by a loud unearthly growl from Marcus. His eyes shone with a bright light as he raised his arm holding the dagger and stabbed the effigy in the heart area, piercing through his other hand.

Through the hinges of the locked door, everything that happened was being watched.

The light went out and Marcus, losing consciousness, fell on the floor, his blood soaking the name inscribed upon the effigy.

It was the name of Jesse’s boyfriend.


“Where did you get that scar?”

Marcus was pulled back to the present time. He was pulling out the tools from his backpack, preparing his space as he was engaged in small talk by a middle-aged woman from The Mysterium he has never seen before. She was wearing a bright floral summer dress and covered her shoulders in a contrasting dark red shawl.

“Huh? Oh, sorry. You mean this?” Marcus held up his left hand for the woman to see.

“Yeah. That looks like it was a deep cut,” the woman held his hand gently, turning it around to examine it. Her eyes widened a bit seeing it went through to the other side. “Or a stab wound.”

“Oh, I got drunk one time at a friend’s party and kinda broke a window,” Marcus smiled awkwardly through the lie. “I leaned on it and didn’t notice the glass sticking out the frame.”

The woman winced. “Wow, that’s… unfortunate.”

“Well, you know, Stolichnaya happened,” he chuckled a bit as he took back his hand and dug more tools from his backpack. “I don’t think we have been introduced. I’m Marcus.”

“I’m Rosie. Pleased to meet you, Marcus. Although the place could’ve been better,” the woman said as she lighted some beeswax candles she placed in a large circle around her.

Marcus replied with a laugh, a little louder than he intended. “True,” he looked around the place. The Astral Tower condominium in Manila is old. Parts of the interiors of the hallway were starting to show tell-tale signs of age. Maintenance from the rent paid by the tenants was trying to hold back the progression but it can only do so much. Time can be a slow but ruthless force.

“Alright! We have installed the Velarium Silentium around the area to close us in,” Alvin said as he walked in on the two of them from the fourteenth floor landing of the stairs. Alvin was the secretary of The Mysterium and, in Marcus’ opinion, the most agreeable one he has ever dealt with among them. He was the one leading this certain operation as per the order from the higher ups of the group. The Screen of Silence he mentioned was a nifty spell used to eliminate all sounds, as well as cause the unwary to lose interest in the area where it was cast. “How are we going with the Cone of Power, Rosie?”

Rosie did not respond. She was already sitting cross-legged in the middle of the circle of candles with eyes closed. Her lips moved as she silently uttered some unintelligible chant.

“She’s a… Wiccan?” Marcus asked Alvin in a whisper.

Alvin turned to him, his chinky eyes narrowing a bit. “One of the best,” he whispered back.

Marcus held up both his hands in defense. “Hey, no judgment there. I never doubted their… abilities, you know. Merely curious.”

Alvin smiled widely, his eyes disappeared entirely into two lines drawn on either side of his nose. “Just messing with you, buddy. Are you ready?”

“Ages ago, man,” replied Marcus.

“Alright, again, we’ll let Rosie finish building up the Cone. She will be our energy reservoir and we draw from her. After that, James, Lester, and I will draw out the entity and then you will constrain it,” Alvin reiterated for everyone who is not in a trance state. “Our orders were for the demon to be brought back to the Temple as intact as possible. Everybody clear on that?” He held both his thumbs up and wagged it, his face seeking approval.

The other two guys with him nodded in approval. Marcus smiled and took his place in between Rosie and Alvin’s boys. Rosie went on chanting in a language Marcus still couldn’t comprehend. It sounded like French or something close. He noticed the unmistakable glow around her as she uttered the final word of the chant. She looked at Alvin and nodded, giving the go signal.

Alvin and the others turned towards the door of Unit 1406, where the “accident” happened a few days ago. There were yellow police lines crisscrossing the door and, as the guys started chanting the Latin Ducendum Spell, these began to tremble and eventually snapped. The door to the apartment unit burst open and a strong wind came out, almost extinguishing Rosie’s candles, if not for the Cone of Power she built. Damn, she’s good, thought Marcus.

The wind died down as Marcus raised his hand and prepared to activate the Circle of Cassiel. What followed was nothing but silence. No demon came out of the unit. All of them had a confused look on their faces.

“What happened? Where is the demon?” asked Marcus.

He was answered by a derisive laughter that sounded like four different voices in unison. It was coming from the part where the hallway turned into a corner. The ceiling lights flickered on and off as all of them turned to look in the direction of the laughter.

“Marcus! Now!” Alvin shouted at him just in time as the demon’s huge fanged head appeared from the corner.

Alarmed, Marcus raised his hands and began the chant. “Clamavi ad te, Cassiel Archangele—” He was suddenly cut off by an unknown voice, overpowering his. “Oblivisci!

Marcus stumbled forward as if he was pushed from behind by an unknown force. He suddenly forgot the words that he was supposed to say. He looked at Alvin’s terror-struck face, screaming something at him. He couldn’t comprehend what he was saying. Alvin’s voice sounded like it’s coming from the other end of a very long tunnel and muffled by overlapping echoes.

“A forgetting spell! We’re fucked!” Alvin faced the demon and tried to raise the quickest shielding spell he could remember. The demon bounded towards the group and knocked one of them unconscious inside the apartment unit. With one clawed hand, it sliced through Lester who just then produced a fireball in his hand. It sputtered out into a thin wisp of smoke as he fell down on his face, dead.

Rosie began chanting furiously again, feeding energy to Alvin’s shield. Alvin’s arms were shaking as he tried to sustain the spell with his own energy to protect those behind him. The flames of the candles surrounding Rosie began to rise higher and her glow was starting to radiate heat. Her very eyes started to turn white and she was convulsing. Her chant started to be more high-pitched until it became a shrill scream as parts of her started to erupt in flames. She has built too much energy more than her physical body can handle and she was consumed by it. Her scream died down and she fell down in a burning heap behind Marcus.

The demon started pounding on the shield and this put more pressure on Alvin. The veins in his arms started showing then burst, squirting blood from his ruptured skin. He fell turning backwards and met Marcus in the eyes. Excruciating pain, confusion, and shock swirled on his expression.

“W-What the f-fuck, man?” he managed to say as the demon’s claw burst forth through his chest, clutching his heart. Alvin’s blood splattered on Marcus’ face as he got face to face with the demon. He could smell its sulfuric breath, like rotten eggs, and he was frozen nauseous where he stood.

Gigim xul bara! Bara edin na zu!” the same unknown voice earlier rang clear through the hallway. It was chanting an old Mesopotamian spell. Out from the shadows, the owner of the voice stepped out and repeated the spell, more firmly this time. Marcus’ memory fell back into place. It was the Shield of Marduk, an ancient potent magic made to drive out demons of whatever kind.

Bara edin na zu!” A golden circle of light materialized and flew past Marcus. It hit the demon and drove it through the end of the hallway growling. Marcus heard glass shattering and then a muffled thud. Then there was silence.

The figure stepped closer so Marcus could see his face more clearly.

“Hello, Marcus The Murderer. Long time no see,” the figure said with a smile.

Marcus now recognized the voice. It belonged to an old lover of his.

“George,” he said. “What the devil are you doing here?”

To be continued.

photo credits here

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