22 January 2014

Making Fortune Work

As a Fire Tiger born in the year 1986, Chinese predictions for me this year said this is a wildly lucky year in all aspects of my life. I am someone who's skeptical of these things and I read them for entertainment. I still believe that we make our own Fate based on the choices we have in life. But that news is somewhat welcome, given the crappy year I had last. So this month, friends and I made plans on what we want to achieve for this year. We even got a huge corkboard for that so we can track our progress.

But here we are, languishing and letting each day pass without doing anything to achieve those plans. The lethargy vortex at home is no longer fun. Inside me, I am itching to go out there and do something. Anything. We must not let this drag us down. I can't just lie about and let my luck work for me. It never worked like that.

They say Fortune favors the brave. I say it favors those who do even the least something.

2014, here I come!

1 comment:

RainDarwin said...

Nagtrend sa timeline ko ang blog mo kaya nakiusyoso rin lol.